We're delighted to have you join. Shop luxury-grade essentials from Europe's finest factories. No brands, no markups.
Please create an account to purchase products and become a community member. You still can purchase products without being part of the community (for now), but you'll miss out on a lot of cool benefits. So sign up while sign-ups are still open!😉
Learn more about why we are building rational studio
Luxury manufacturers. Rational prices.
What is rational studio?
The world doesn't need another brand, it needs better access to the production source. That's why we are building a community-driven marketplace where you can buy luxury quality products straight from European manufacturers (no mark-ups).
Why community?
At rational studio, there is no us without you. You’re the ones who tell us what to source. Help us flip the status-quo its head and make consumption more rational!
Together we can...
... change the way we consume: We need to change the way we consume. 30%+ of apparel is never worn. By producing based on your demand, we minize waste.
... support the European manufacturing base: COVID-19 was hard for all of us, especially for our manufacturing partners. Many had to pause production & protect their teams.
... challenge the status-quo of big brands: You vote with your wallet. Should we keep incentivizing greenwashing & poor labor standards? Or should we focus on quality & support manufactuers?
How can you be up to 80% cheaper for the same quality?
We grant our community direct access to our curated selection of products made by Europe's best manufacturers but sold without a traditional markup. There is no high-end branding to pay for, no retailer looking to make a profit, just great quality at a rational price.
I heard membership is free, how do I join?
You're right - membership is free. We want to build a community together with which we source Europe's finest products. Simply sign up above and become part of the rational movement.